Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Birthday Video

Thank you wonderful husband for making this video.  Thank you wonderful friends and family for coming to Isaac's first birthday party.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tonight Judy, Lauren and I are going to see the movie Twilight.  I can't wait because it is going to be so fun.  I've read all 4 books in like a week.  Lauren continues to make fun of me.  I read them faster than I read Harry Potter if that is any indication.  I would read them all over again too.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Today is Isaac's birthday.  I can't believe a year ago today, I was in the hospital having him.  I remember holding him his first night.  It was probably the best night of my life.  Now, he can walk and kinda talk. He can hug.  I didn't imagine being this sentimental.  I have played his birth and this past year over and over in my mind.  It has gone quickly but so much has happened.  I find myself sad that I can't remember things in greater detail.  So many moments I want to treasure just as they are forever.  But time doesn't stop, which is probably good because I am certain I would find a wonderful moment and never leave.  Isaac, I love you.  Happy Birthday!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Isaac Walks

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend.  Isaac showed off his new moves for Grandma.   I stood by teary eyed because he's not even  one yet.  I know, a week a way but still.  He has had the best time here!  He's so big.