Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am 26 weeks pregnant, which means I have 14+ weeks to go. I have felt more and more pregnant recently. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Although, you could ask me about that in 12 weeks and I might rip off your arm. It hasn't been bad but I am not looking forward to the heat either. I have been trying to get the house ready for baby #2, boy #3. I think a pretty big driving force for that is having a homebirth. At any rate, the house is being cleaned.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kadin's Birthday

Wow, I am a slacker about blogging! Kadin's birthday was May 16th and he turned 11. I think he had a good birthday. The weekend before he went to Columbus for a birthday party with Grandma and Grandpa. He got a zoo pass which we used for his actual birthday. We all went to see the zoo babies. He had a little party at our house too. David also took him to see Star Trek. It was fun for everyone.

*Kadin wanted me to thank Grandma and Papa Royer for his gift and card. He currently has stashed the gift until he can think of something good he can use it for. :)