Friday, March 7, 2008

The Business of Being Born

I saw this film and loved it.  I had a positive and natural birth in a  hospital. Sadly, it seems that I am in the minority.  I think this film gives some important information which can be used in making birthing decisions.  I definitely think things need to change.  Women should not be made to fear the experience of birth.


Becky said...

I saw this at the Mariemont theatre - it was good, but discouraging about the state of our healthcare system. Maternity care is a field that isn't very "evidence-based." Did you see it?

Norwood Mama said...

Hey Sarah! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I think Tracy is trying to get a place to show it to a group.

Also, I had two very positive natural hospital births. BUT, I am aware that it doesn't go that way for very many women.