Friday, October 19, 2007

37 weeks on Sunday!

Although I have come a long way. I still feel like I have a long way to go. I must say that not knowing when Isaac will get here is a little annoying. The pregnancy hasn't been that bad... Thank you God. It is getting harder though. I get tired so easily now and just about everything aches. I keep telling myself everyday is one day I don't have to do again. I just hope he gets here before Thanksgiving!


youseedrybones said...

It would be awesome if the baby came before thanksgiving. THEN YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE FOOD YOU WANT! I mean, you could with the baby in the tummy, but this way...I do not know what the difference would be really...OH WAIT! If you have to travel for the holidays, it would be easier! Oh, and Jill said you would have more room to fit food. So you would not have to worry about the acid reflux and the baby deciding he does not like the food and wants to get rid of it, the same way it came in...

Kalla said...

Yeah I am so glad that you got a blog! And the pregnancy thing... even though you had a great pregnancy towards the end it gets very hard... you are tired... you just want it to end... but the truth it will only begin... enjoy every MINUTE of sleep right now because once Issac (love the name) comes you won't sleep much. I can't even sleep till 8 anymore.

But there are a lot of great things about having him (besides having your little baby boy in your arms)... you won't have to pee ALL THE TIME... You can finally sleep on your stomach (unless you have a c-section like i did)... You won't "ache" anymore... you can stand to be on your feet... and that belly goes away (even though I really really miss mine).

I am so glad that you are doing great! Hang in there you are almost at the end and I promise that you eill enjoy every minute with him (atleast at first :))