Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1 Week Old, Life On The Outside

This week is one big blur. I am feeling much more like my old self.  Today we went to the doctor for Isaac's first appt.  I really did not enjoy it at all.  He hated being examined but who wouldn't...bright lights, cold hands, doctors.  His response seemed to shock the doctor and nurses.  They said, "He really doesn't like this."  Duh!  I could go on but I won't.  So they told us that he is actually 21 3/4 inches long not what the hospital measured him at (19 in).  I thought that 19 inches was incorrect.  I must say that it explains why I could still feel him kicking my ribs after he dropped.  It has been good to getting to know Isaac.  He is strong and healthy with an excellent set of lungs!  But, I have to say that breast feeding sucks... literally.  I have been told that it gets easier and it has.  I just want it to get even better right now.  So that was our adventure for the day.


Kalla said...

If i had to give you one advice it would be not to give up on the breastfeeding... because I did and looking back I know that it was the right thing at that time but I would try so much harder now.

And going to the doctor I don't know if that ever gets easier... just wait till he gets shots... that fun... NOT! :)

Norwood Mama said...


Just hang in there with the breastfeeding. It is so much work and so exhausting at first, but give it a month and it will be so natural. I can remember sitting on the couch when Ava was a newborn, almost crying as Mark would bring her toward me. It is insane that the only thing that is strong in their little bodies is their mouth!

Charlotte is 3 months old and we are a professional nursing team. Also, pump all that you can while you have this awesome milk supply. I did with Ava, but didn't with Charlotte. Already, it is work to pump and get enough milk. Thank you, God, for the weirdly miraculous human body!