Friday, November 23, 2007

Baby Isaac

In order that Sarah's energy be used where it is most important and also that the facts of the birth of baby Isaac be told fairly and accurately I (David) will be updating Sarah's blog today.

The story of Sarah Kathryn True's labor and Baby David Isaac True's birth:

Tuesday, November 20, 2007.
• 3AM- Sarah awakes to signs of early labor, and returns to sleep

• 5AM- Sarah has a dream: She's at work in the break room talking to two coworkers, one turns to Sarah and says, "We've got to get her ready" and kicks the stool that Sarah is sitting on. In real-life Sarah awakes and finds that her water has broken.

• 5AM- 8AM- More active labor begins, stronger contractions, Sarah becomes more serious, needing a quiet and dark place. During this time, Christine (Sarah's Doula) arrives to help out, the doctor is called, care and a ride to school is procured for Kadin, the car is packed, a few bites of banana are eaten...

• 9AM- Around this time it becomes obvious that things are moving forward pretty fast. Sarah starts showing signs of transition and we start for the hospital.

• Now, at this point in the re-telling of events it should be stated that at no time did Sarah lose control or freak out or start screaming and swearing. She would just alternate between measured, heavy breathing and almost complete relaxation.

• 10AM- We arrive at the hospital after a fairly uneventful car ride. We had pre-registered and the doctor had called ahead for us, so we were able to pretty much go straight to our room. This was fortunate because upon entering the room Sarah was beginning to feel the urge to push. Sarah was checked by the RN and we were informed that she was "complete".

• Between 10:15 and 11AM our room was in a bit of a whirlwind with nurses, doctors and staff all working to prepare everything needed (in their minds) to bring a child into the world. We could tell that there was a little concern with the staff that Sarah's doctor had not yet arrived but none of that concern was coming from Sarah.
This was also the time when it became clear just how blessed we were (are).

A Quick List Of Blessings Up To This Point:

1. Most of Sarah's early stage labor had happened while she was asleep.
2. Most of Sarah's active labor had happened while at home in the comfort and quiet of our bedroom.
3. Everything was moving at a very quick but manageable pace.
4. The car ride was smooth, traffic was fairly clear and nothing was forgotten.
5. There was no wait to get to our room.
6. Because Sarah arrived pretty much ready to push, there was no time for the hospital to strap her down with IV's, monitoring devices, or anything else that often impedes a natural birth.
7. The RN (Kim) had been a doula for seven years before her two years as a RN, so she perfectly understood our birth plan and was incredibly helpful and supportive.

• 11AM- At some point Dr. Bowen arrived, a squat bar was attached to the bed, pushing began. Sarah was incredible, she had Christine on her left helping her breath, Kim to her right helping her focus, Dr. Bowen in catching position, and me behind her as something to support and rest on in the bed. Pushing went like this: Sarah would open her eyes and start to sit up as a contraction would begin (between contractions she was so relaxed you would think she was sleeping), she would wrap her arms over the squat bar and breath and push. She had such amazing control and focus!

• 11:27AM- Baby Isaac sees the world for the first time. He is bright-eyed and BIG (almost 10 pounds). While delivering the placenta and still in complete control of her pain, Sarah begins conversations around the room expressing her concern for Dr. Bowen and how it seems that he would never be able to holiday.

• Over the next day and night the hospital put it's many stamps of approval over the mother and baby, we signed papers acknowledging that we understood how dangerous it is to not pump a newborn's body full of diseases and viruses, and no, you may not cut him there... We were also told by Kim (the RN who had been a doula for seven years) that this had been the best natural birth she had ever seen. I do believe that Sarah was seen as a bit of a rock-star there at the hospital.

We have now been home for two days. There has been very little sleep, but much joy. People have asked about the "baby blues" or "post-partum this-or-that" and as of yet there have been many tears, but none from sadness. Sarah and I have a quite a few moments where we have just looked at our new baby and cried over how beautiful he is and how wonderfully blessed we have been. For that we thank our friend and father in heaven.

We will post pictures and video as it comes.
Thank you for your prayers and kindness.
David, Sarah, Kadin & Baby Isaac True


ben said...

Congrats to all of you!


Prari said...

Sarah, I cannot even begin to express how proud of you that I am. I love you, Prari

Norwood Mama said...

She is a rock star! As someone who has been through what most call two 'easy' natural births, I am completely jealous of Sarah's! And tell the best story of it! Congratulations!