Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Something Different


Lew said...

disturbing. Did that kid have to go to the ER? Did they have to kill the squirrel to check it's brain for rabies? do they still give like 20 shots in the gut for rabies? did the kid need a lot of stitches, or even plastic surgery on their face? That squirrel was frikkin enormous! what the heck? where did you get that footage? off some creepy morbid animal attack website? why would you post that?

sarah true said...

He was just playing with his doll. The squirrel's name is Snickers. He's a pet. There was other footage of him hiding a nut.

Lew said...

oh that wasn't a real kid?

Kalla said...

I am working part time its more full time though... but i am getting ready t switch jobs. Breast feeding is difficult. He here is my email....

Jill said...

let me know when we can hang! maybe friday or saturday?