Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cosmic Bowling

David and I went bowling with Lauren and Sam.  Not just regular bowling, but cosmic bowling.  Cosmic bowling entails wild colored lights and loud speakers playing pop music.  I had fun but Lauren had more fun because she won.  I came in last both games.  This ain't wii bowling that's for sure.  David was happy because they had Red Bull on tap!  Meanwhile, Sam was beyond excited as he chucked the ball down the lane like it was nothing.  I pulled a neck muscle and he didn't even break a sweat.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Birthday Video

Thank you wonderful husband for making this video.  Thank you wonderful friends and family for coming to Isaac's first birthday party.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Tonight Judy, Lauren and I are going to see the movie Twilight.  I can't wait because it is going to be so fun.  I've read all 4 books in like a week.  Lauren continues to make fun of me.  I read them faster than I read Harry Potter if that is any indication.  I would read them all over again too.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Today is Isaac's birthday.  I can't believe a year ago today, I was in the hospital having him.  I remember holding him his first night.  It was probably the best night of my life.  Now, he can walk and kinda talk. He can hug.  I didn't imagine being this sentimental.  I have played his birth and this past year over and over in my mind.  It has gone quickly but so much has happened.  I find myself sad that I can't remember things in greater detail.  So many moments I want to treasure just as they are forever.  But time doesn't stop, which is probably good because I am certain I would find a wonderful moment and never leave.  Isaac, I love you.  Happy Birthday!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Isaac Walks

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend.  Isaac showed off his new moves for Grandma.   I stood by teary eyed because he's not even  one yet.  I know, a week a way but still.  He has had the best time here!  He's so big.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thanks Sam

Sam emailed me an adorable squirrel story. Look at Finnegan the squirrel.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Hat(s)

Perfection in form of a hat. First, it is pink and black. Second, it has squirrels on it. Did I mention it was hand made? Well, it was. I must be super special because Rachel made not one but two custom hats! She is very creative and very talented. Thank you Rachel!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The "I" Phone

Isaac has learned to use the phone. I have no idea where he learned how to do this;) He picks up the phone, makes a noise and then smiles. It is pretty darn cute. Sorry the photos are turned. I don't know how to fix it and David is not home.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Shack

I just finished the book The Shack.  The book was completely mind blowing.  It made the longings of my heart (I was unaware I had) cry out.   It showed me the ways I hold on to religion instead of Jesus.  I am completely baffled how to just "be" with God.  I could take conversations in this book and meditate on them for weeks.  Needless to say, you should read it.  

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today Is My Birthday

I had a really great day.  Thanks everybody for wishing me a good day!  I also enjoyed the gifts as well ;)  So far 26 is pretty good.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Adoption Rocks

Pretty much every adoption story is amazing, though bitter sweet.  Here are some links with amazing stories of people saying "yes, Lord use me".  The most recent just adopted twins last night!

Monday, September 15, 2008


We went to the art museum and Kadin noticed someting in this painting. What he noticed made the painting the best painting in the whole gallery.

It seems this distinguished fellow depicted above also had a fondness of my favorite animal... the squirrel.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mya Is Here

Mya Marie was born today!  She is 6 lbs 13 oz and  21 inches. Jackie was in labor for six hours and only pushed for twenty minutes.  Everybody is doing great.  Lauren and I enjoyed visiting them.  However, we were a little bit fanatical about exercising.  We decided to multi-task and exercise at Good Sam. We ran up and down the stairs, did jumping jacks and jogged in the parking lot.  All in all, we got to see an adorable baby girl and did some cardio.  Woo Hoo!

Oh Yeah...

Isaac can crawl.


There is much to blog about. First off, I got my hair colored by my "apprentice". With a little coaching, Lauren did a rockin' good job on my hair. I was so excited and she was too. She had on an apron and everything. She looked like a stylist. I love it!

Secondly, Nicole had a birthday! It was soooo fun because of two primary reasons... We saw the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and we had Cold Stone! The movie was almost as good as the ice cream. Birthdays are good. A little birthday shout out to Charlotte, Don and Malakai. Hope your birthdays are/were as good as Nicole's.

Thirdly, Jackie is at the hospital, as I blog, hoping to deliver Mya! Please pray for her. I can't wait to see little Mya.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Last night, a bunch of us went to the WEBN fireworks.  I hadn't been since I was in high school.  We watched from the Kentucky side.  The display was pretty spectacular.  The best part was hiking to find a prime location. I was impressed with Jackie (due any day now) climbing up giant grassy hills.  I told her if that doesn't induce labor, I don't know what will.  We played a big game of swap, which Crystal still swears she won.   It was Kadin's first time to see the fireworks and he seemed to enjoy it.  I think he liked playing with earplugs the best.  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prari And John Had Baby...

Asher David!!! He was born on August 23 at about 5 am. Prari was in labor for 27.5 hours! Asher arrived 7 lbs 1 oz, 19 inches. We visited them yesterday and they are wonderful. Asher means happy/glad and it couldn't be more true. So exciting!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Per Lauren's Request


I really like the show Secret Life of the American Teenager
I have been dying to see the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
I could eat ice cream at any given point of the day
I have a $50 late fee at the library
I am a freak about textures (food, wood, hair, you name it)
I can't make it across the monkey bars anymore
I love cherry coke out of a can
My eye is literally twitching from sleep deprivation
I pick my scabs
Sometimes I wish I could be in a band or on a game show
I have a Myley Cyrus song on CD

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cute Pictures

I Have A 9 Month Old And A 4th Grader!

Nine months ago today, Isaac was born.  When he woke up today, I told him all about the story of his birth.  Of course, I found the story much more entertaining than he did.   I can't believe my baby is  closer to one year than birth.  He's so big.  On top of that...  Kadin started fourth grade yesterday!  We all got in the car and drove him to school.  I walked him to the front door and he went on to his new class.  My heart broke a little as I walked back to the car.  He is getting so big too!  Obviously, if they are getting older, then David and I are too.  In fact, he has a birthday next week and I have one next month. Sigh.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visit To Grandpa's

On Friday, David, Isaac and I went to Columbus. It was the first time Isaac slept overnight anywhere else but home. He had no troubles sleeping there at all. Neither did David and I because the three of us got to sleep in my Dad's king sized bed. We watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics and I convinced everyone that we needed to eat Cold Stone ice cream. YUM! On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa took Isaac shopping. He got a bunch of super cute clothes. It was a fun visit.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Something Squirrelly

He is part man part squirrel... no that's not it. 
He is part squirrel part man... nope.  
He is 3/4 beard, 1/4 man and dear God what is happening to that poor squirrel?! BINGO.

*no squirrels were harmed while taking this picture*

Monday, June 30, 2008

"Here We Go Again"

For those of you who can't tell what this is, it is a positive pregnancy test.  Who's pregnancy test?

haha made you look!

  Matt and Christine's positive pregnancy test!  Malakai will be a big brother in no time.  In the words of Christine, "here we go again."  Congrats.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just Part of Growing Up

Isaac had an appointment with the doctor today.  It was his 6 month checkup about a month late.  He turned 7 months last Friday:)  He had his first vaccination today.  He was a champ!  I was so relieved.  However, it has been a challenging week so far because Isaac is teething.  He has about 4 teeth coming in on the top and he does not like it.  I don't mind the teeth but the lack of sleep is a whole other story.  He keeps waking up every couple of hours at night.  During the day, he doesn't want to go to sleep.  But he is growing up so quickly.  He weighs 21 lbs and is 28 inches.  I guess he decided to slow down on the weight gain just a little. Which BTW, he doesn't want solids.  He is interested in cups, straws, keys but no food.  Did I mention my baby is 7 months old?!  How did that happen?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beat The Heat With The Wii

Lauren and Kadin decided to beat the heat by playing the wii. They are quite the team on Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
Isaac is keeping cool with his fun play mat.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thanks Papa

Look! Isaac is wearing a dress. Just kidding, it's me with some really awesome 80's backdrop. Even as a baby, I was so outdoorsy. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Isaac Is 6 Months Today

Isaac and Daddy were having fun with photo booth. Isaac wanted to try out for the sun on teletubbies.

This is Isaac taking a nap in our bed. He is such a big boy.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Kadin's Birthday

Friday was Kadin's tenth birthday. It was a weekend long celebration. We went to Dewey's pizza, got ice cream and saw Prince Caspian on Friday. On Saturday, he got Mario Cart for the wii. On Sunday, we had cake with family and friends from church. Alas we didn't have birthday cake candles, so I made Kadin blow out a big candle instead (see above). He got some really fun gifts like wii games, a kite, sidewalk chalk and legos. Hurray for Kadin's birthday!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Adorable Pictures

Justice and Isaac strollin'.
Caidan crawling.
Zamar sleeping.

Zamar during bathtime.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Malakai is an excellent sharer of toys.  He let Isaac keep some of his toys at our house for us to enjoy.  When Malakai came over today, they played together.  As you can see, it was very cute.  They share clothes too!  If Isaac doesn't chill out on the growing, he will be giving Malakai hand-me-downs.  :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today, I got an Ergo baby carrier. Isaac loves it because he can ride in front or in back. I love it because my heavyweight boy doesn't hurt my back anymore. We had been using Christine's Ergo for a while (THANKS). Now, we have our own. How is this possible? My Dad rocks! Isaac says, "thank you Grandpa and Grandma".

Friday, April 25, 2008

Isaac Pictures

My baby is cute! He is also very heavy. He weighs 21 lbs with a Fuzzi Bunz on. He can sit up virtually by himself. He also has 2 teeth. He is now 5 months old (tear). He's growing up so quickly.

We Got To See Kalla!

Finally!  I was so excited to see Kalla with her little guy and #2 on the way.  Sarah was also there looking especially cute and as always very sweet.  I was so glad that Kalla made the trip to Cincy!  Caidan is soooo cute and very active.  Although, Isaac is giving him a run for his money in height and weight :)  Kalla is looking good.  She may even know what she's having by now?!  I love you Kalla.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

All Consuming Fire

As I read this family's blog, I was undone. They are walking out God's grace and mercy by loving the orphan.

After reading this, I had to read this promise.

Revelation 21:3-5
3And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

5He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Why I Love Lauren

There are so many reasons to love this girl!  Here are a few...
She's the best roommate I ever had
She hearts Dawson's Creek ("I don't wanna wait")
She let's me be a total balloon knot
She loves 90's rap almost as much as I do
We can talk without saying a word
She is generous, compassionate and growing so much in the Lord
She is one of the most stubborn people I know
She is organized, administrative and one heck of a cleaner
She took me to DWTS

She's my sister

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Let's Hear It For The Boy

Today we found out... 

Baby Parran is a boy!  WOO HOO!  I was dying to find out and I am so happy for them.  For those keeping track here is a list of baby boys...

Malakai  (Matt and Christine)
Caidan  (Kalla and Chris)
Justice   ( Jill and Don)
Isaac   (yours truly)
Zamar (Chris and Sheena)
Elijah  (Jill and Don)
Isaiah  (Dave and Becky)
Baby Parran!!  (Prari and John)

A little lady shout out to Ava, Charlotte, Joscy and Havah.  Ladies, you'll have your pick of the handsome boys... (not till your 35).

Yay for babies!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Bouncy Boy

Update:  Isaac has a tooth!! Could he grow any faster?  The next video clip will be him driving my car.  Sheesh!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

St Patrick's Day Just Got Better

Take a look at the new addition to the Dudley family.  Little Elijah was born around 10:30 am today.  Mama and Papa Dudley are doing great.  I'm sure Justice will be so excited to see his little brother.  And what an adorable little brother he is! Congratulations.

Weekend Update

This weekend was very fun for all of us.  On Friday, Isaac went to lunch with Grandpa at Cheesecake Factory.  Unfortunately, he couldn't enjoy  anything from the menu but I sure did. Grandpa gave him some cute outfits and a Bumbo seat.  As you can see from the picture, Isaac really loves  his new chair.  We also got to see the Pryor family.  Baby Isaiah is so adorable!  We hope to see them more often.  On Saturday,  we had game night at our house.  We played wii bowling, scene it and some other games.  It was so much fun.  Then on Sunday,  we had church.  I love fun weekends!